Activities (sometimes called “BzzActivities,”) refer to the types of tasks we’ll ask you to complete during a campaign. At the start of every campaign, you’ll receive a detailed “Posting Instructions” email that describes the activities.


Because every product is different, every campaign will include a different variety of activities, including:

  • Writing product reviews

  • Completing surveys

You need to complete all of the activities listed in the posting instructions email. Keep in mind, we’re looking for quality, so put a little elbow grease into each activity to generate meaningful content in every campaign you join.

Absolutely! We reward BzzAgents for their hard work and for sharing their honest opinions, good or bad. For any review to be credible, it needs to be honest. So whether you love a product or think it could use a little work, we want your opinion!

Bzz is best when it’s honest and hype-free — and that goes for reviews, too! Whether you loved a product or thought it could use some improvement, the juicy details are what we’re after. Keep these guidelines in mind each time you post:

  • Speaks to curious shoppers looking for details about the product

  • Answers the question, "What would I want to know before purchasing this experience, service or product?"

  • Contains unique, creative, or thoughtful content

  • Provides extra value to consumers

  • Is shareable

  • Is paired with a relevant, quality photo

  • And – of course – always discloses that you got the product/service/experience for free as a BzzAgent and abides the other requirements of our Disclosure Guidelines.